Thursday, February 19, 2009


The vote is in! Rocky is the new pastor in Sale Creek. 99% was the vote count.


Donna said...

Maybe Lisa can give you a copy of her manuscript and you can have a crash coarse in being a pastor's wife. I have all kinds of junk that I can give you for children's church (or VBS) that our kids have probably outgrown anyway.
Hang in there and know we ALL KNOW you can do it (sometimes we can do stuff whether we're tired or not). LOL
Rocky's got that 'God Given' gift of gab so I know he'll do well!

Sandra said...

Well Congrats! You are about to come out of your shell for shur!!! LOL Please let me know when the womens retreat is, I dif want to go to that--maybe as a fly on the wall. HAHAHA AND I have to say that the KJV is the only way to go for us old folks simply because we were brought up with it and understand it. We will discuss on a side bar if you like. I also think that you should consult with your older sis on how to handle the womens study/retreat/picnic/tea party part of being married to the ministry!

Sandra said...

I know I have forgot to send the pics of Kayla via your Dad--life or lack thereof has gotten in the way. Have you ordered any pkgs yet? I need to get our order in. Let me know what I need to do, we kinda quit talking about it and I dropped the ball.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Hey Sis! I'm so proud of you! We need to talk about that whole saying yes thing. There's a whole chapter about that in the manuscript i sent you..have you read it yet??? :)))

So when is your first Sunday there? The 8th?

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

btw - is rocky's job okay? a friend who works at erlanger said they just had a huge round of layoffs and it worried me for him...

Christi said...

Sandy - no I haven't ordered any pictures yet but I need to do it soon so I can use them when I send out her invitations I guess.

Lisa - Your manuscript was lost in my email! I found it just a sec. ago. I will read it fo' sho and let you know. Also, I think Rocky's job is fine. He knew they were doing layoffs but was assured that they would not affect his dept.

Brooke said...

Well I typed a comment and I'm not sure if it went through. Then again it could have went twice....ill try it again..ha

Brooke said...

I'm so glad I have found your blog! I have read your hilarious comments on Lisa's blog and love your Lost commentaries!
I can't wait to meet you at our retreat!
(Maybe you can get some ideas for yours!!! :))