Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Like...

I like the colors on the 'Bonny Hunt Show' set but I can't find anything that will tell me what the colors are called so I can buy them. I can't even find a picture of it to show you what I'm talking about. You can see them a little bit if you go to the website but they are all on videos. If you can find this out for me, that would be great. And just to juice up the pot a little, I'm giving away a free bag of tootsie rolls to the first person who can get me this information!


Anonymous said...

I say we take over your house and have a big painting party and then do mine after that

Christi said...

YES!! I agree. That would be fun. Trading Spaces.

Anonymous said...

Then for Christmas, we can make mom and roddy Dad and Sandy buy us a new kitchen floor oh and bathroom floors too!!!! You think they'll go for it? LOL