Sunday, October 12, 2008

Focus People

Ok. Let's not keep putting this off. This year we are planning ahead.

Halloween Night...

Place: Mom's
Time: ??
Food: ??

Do I need to bring a candy bag for my kids or will Granny have some?

I think we should all be there at 5...before it gets dark. Is everyone o.k. with that?

Any food suggestions? I'm open.


Donna said...

We'll probably need EASY food because the kids will be anxious to go kind of easy food shall we have?

Donna said...

Also, I'll have to check out my bag situation...not sure what I have stored :-)

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

what about chili and hotdogs? any other finger foods y'all can think of ? will nikki make her spinach dip?

and the time is fine with me..

Christi said...

Chili and hot dogs sounds good to me.

I told Marsha to bring cupcakes.

I think there will be 22 people there. I am counting all of us, Justin, Marsha and her bunch and Robin with her kid. Am I missing anyone?

Who is making Chili and who is bringing hot dog stuff?

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

I'll bring some chili...I'll put it in my awesome crock pot with the lock down lid...:)

Anonymous said...

whew whew...Christi takin charge??? What got in to you?? haaaaaah

Take my kids when you go then I can leave after work and be there close to 5. I can't think about food right now..I'm still full from last week bleh!

Christi said...

Yeah, I can take your kids Nikki. Just don't let me forget. Better yet, tell them I am taking them. They for sure won't let me forget.